Local Tours


The Capital of Poland. Rebuilt after World War II practically from scratch now is the administrative, scientific, cultural, and tourist center of the country. The sightseeing route usually leads through the marvelous Old Town that was completely destroyed during WWII and rebuilt so painstakingly that it in 1980 it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. You will have opportunity to see the Old Town Market Square, the New Town, The Barbican, St. John’s Cathedral and the Royal Castle, The Castle Square with the Zygmunt Column, Royal Route, Aleje Ujazdowskie with numerous churches, monuments, historic buildings and palaces, many of them housing embassies. Historical sites: The Łazienki Royal Park complex with famous Chopin’s monument, the Ghetto Memorial, the Monument of Warsaw Uprising, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Grand Theatre.


Krakow, the former capital of Poland, residence of the Polish kings, for over a thousand years, has been the center of science, culture and art in Poland. The magical Old Town with the most important and spectacular monuments in Krakow, which is entered on UNESCO World Heritage List. The Barbican, defense walls with the Floriańska Gate became an important feature on the Royal Route leading to the Wawel Hill. On the route you will see the largest Market area in Europe with St. Mary’s Church in which is located the most astonishing interior devotional decoration – Gothic wooden altar made by Wit Stwosz. In the center of the Main Market Square is shopping mall- “Sukiennice” with which housing souvenirs shops with amber and leather things. After seeing the most important sights in Market area continuing up to the Wawel Hill, where Royal Castle and Cathedral situated is. The Castle was home to many Polish kings and queens and the royal crypts in the Cathedral are their final resting place, along with several other Polish heroes. The Kazimierz quarter was the centre of Jewish religions, culture and previously a separate town. Nowadays every corner of Kazimierz is the witness of the history of Polish Jews.


The most monument – abounding city of the „Baltic Europe”. Most of the monuments in Gdansk are placed near the heart of its Old Town District, around the Long Street. The Long Street and the Long Market form together the Royal Route, probably the most beautiful street of Gdansk. They start at the Golden Gate and end at the Green Gate. The oldest authentic buildings date back to the Middle Ages. Visit at famous Artus Hall Court built in 1481 as a meeting place for wealthy burghers. In front of Artus Court is situated – The Neptune fountain. It is a symbol of Gdansk, and stands for Gdansk’s bond with the sea. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the largest brick shrine in the world. A visit to the Shipyard Workers Solidarity Monument – the place where the political changes which resulted in the collapse of communism in Central Europe.


The pearl of Silesia, is criss-crossed by many tributaries and canals of the Odra River, which form the dozen islands connected by 117 bridges. The most important and the most impressive places in Wroclaw for visitors: the Market Square with townhouses creating backdrop to the impressive 16 th century Gothic-Renaissance Town Hall. Ostrów Tumski – the oldest part of Wrocław, where episcopate was established in year 1000 – with numerous Gothic churches, the most precious of them St John the Baptist Cathedral, founded in 1244, contains remains of the first, Romanesque church. Wrocław University with magnificent Aula Leopolidina constructed in the 18th century, full of Baroque paintings, sculpture, gold-plated stuccoes and other decorations. “Panorama Racławicka” –Poland’s largest painting of battle scenes with a length of 120 meters by Wojciech Kossak and Jan Styka.

Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

The former concentration camp is a symbol of horror, inhumanity and the Holocaust. The camp was constructed by Nazis in 1940 for Polish citizens, from 1942 Auschwitz became the most of important camp for the mass extermination of European Jews. The ruins of gas chambers, kilometers of barbed wire, wooden barracks, the train platform were people were unloaded and selected remain horrifying past. In 1979 former concentration camp was entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. At present photographs, documents recovered from the site, tones of hair, shoes serve as a testimony to the sheer scale of the atrocities committed.

The Wieliczka Salt Mine

The underground walk A listed UNESCO World Heritage List monument since 1978, the Wieliczka Salt Mine have been created by the force of nature around 15 millions years ago. Visitors take 380 steps down and then walk through Tourist Route- a series of chambers full of carvings and statues, next to beautifully illuminated underground lake, chapel of St. Kinga, which is completely decorated with salt. Except of this can be seen a huge number of stalactites, stalagmites and other splendid geological formations. A rattling mining lift brings visitors back up to the surface. Temperature in Salt Mine about +14°C

Jewish Traces in Krakow – Schindler’s List

In the past a separate town and now an inner suburb of Krakow, the Kazimierz quarter was the center of Jewish religion, culture and learning and the home of the city’s large Jewish population before the war. Badly damaged during the Nazi occupation, today it has been rebuilt so visitors can admire the restored historical architecture and experience daily Jewish life. Nowadays every corner of Kazimierz is the witness of the history of Polish Jews, visible in the system of narrow streets itself, in the abundance of markets, synagogues, and kirkuts – Jewish cemeteries. Visiting of two Synagogues: Old Synagogue with the Museum and Remuh Synagogue with the cemetery, or others. Podgórze district – where ghetto was established, Schindler’s glazery and house, Płaszów – former Nazi labour camp.


The Monastery of Jasna Góra, the sanctified place of national worship and pilgrimage which is home to the miraculous „Black Madonna”, a Gothic painting of Our Lady. The miraculous Icon of Blessed Virgin Mary is believed to bring protection, relief and joy. Sightseeing of the monastic complex with the Basilica, the Arsenal and Treasury, Way of the Cross and fortifications and time for individual prayer and contemplation. The “Black Madonna” painting is covered with precious decoration, forming royal gowns for Virgin Mary and her Child. Only a mysterious, dark face with two scars on the cheek can be seen.

Ojcowski National Park & Pieskowa Skala Castle

The most charming among Polish National Parks, situated in north of Krakow, embraces rich plant and animal life, an unusual landscape made up of canyons up to 120 m deep and white limestone cliffs containing innumerable caves. The park was home of many watchtowers and castles. Driving along “The Trail of the Eagles’ Nests” you can admire amazingly beautiful landscape of gorges and rock formations with the famous “Hercules’s Club”. On the route sightseeing of “Pieskowa Skała” Castle – the best preserved example of medieval bordering fortresses. The Castle was erected on a rocky pinnacle hanging over the Prądnik River valley in the 14th century (rebuild in 16th century in Renaissance style) and nowadays affiliates with the Museum of National Wawel Art Collection. Duration: 4 hours, Guide service in your language.

Wadowice, Kalwaria, Lagiewniki – Religious Tour

Wadowice- the town of John Paul II birth. Visitors have two points of interest: his birthplace and former home which has been opened as a museum and the Church, where he was christened situated on the same street. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – is entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Visit to the Sanctuary of Our Lady. The Pope as a child came here very frequently to pray and contemplate God. He said his faith and dedication to God grew stronger here. Apart from the main church there is a formerly common way of worshipping God. This is a complex of differently styled chapels on “the Way of The Cross”, illustrating Christ’s passion. Łagiewniki – Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, connected with the worship of St. Faustyna. The church became a destination place for pilgrimages after visiting and consecrating by John Paul II.

Zakopane – Mountain Tour

The Polish Capital of winter sports, mountain tourism and polish highland culture. The mountain traditions cultivated here can be seen in folk costumes, the unique wooden architecture, old cottages surrounded by ash trees. Tatra National Park characterizes by Alpine peaks and dense forests, postglacial depressions, caves, brown bears, falcons and marmots. Beautiful panorama over Tatra Mountains can be seen after taking funicular railway on Gubałówka Hill. To experience real atmosphere of Zakopane walk through Krupówki, lined with local restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops.

Dunajec River Gorce – Raft Trip

The raft trip down the Dunajec River through the Pieniny Gorge gives unforgettable experience. The Pieniński National Park is unusual in many aspects. Its small area boasts a unique landscape and natural features: a narrow strip of the limestone rocks throughout millennia, have been weathered into round shapes from the north and the dramatic, high cliffs on the southern side. The Dunajec River, which is a tributary of the Vistula River, has incised a narrow and sharply winding gorge in rocks. This is the most glorious part of the Pieniny Mountains. During rafting admiring of excellent view of the high summits of Trzy Korony and Mt. Sokolica and ruins of Niedzica Castle.

Folklore Show with dinner

Enjoyable evening in a traditional restaurant with folklore show program. Poland is known not only for its attractive scenery and historic monuments, but equally so far its excellent cuisine, delicious and varied, offering any original dishes that you will not taste in any other country. While enjoying the dinner accompany by a varied folklore show program with music and dances.

Zelazowa Wola – The birthplace of Fryderyk Chopin

Local excursion from Warsaw. Żelazowa Wola is located 60 km from Warsaw. Visit the birthplace of Fryderyk Chopin, the famous Polish composer. The charming Polish manor house of his parents, surrounded by a beautiful park (actually arboretum), has been transformed into a museum, partly retaining its original 19th century interiors. During the summertime Chopin concerts are held at the museum.

Concert of F. Chopin music

It was the genius of Frederic Chopin that made Poland famous in the music world. It is the mazurkas, etudes, polonaises and scherzos that have become a test and measure of any pianist’s talent. Your stay in Warsaw gives you an excellent opportunity to sample his music in his native country. F. Chopin Piano Recitals are organized at the Łazienki Royal Palace, a historic complex full of monuments, fascinating with its harmony and beauty inspired by Poland’s last king Stanisław August Poniatowski.

Zamosc – the pearl of Renaissance

Zamość is a town located in south-east Poland,with the unigue, beautiful Old City included on Unesco’s World Heritage List in 1992. Zamość was founded in the late 16th century on the trade route linking western and northern Europe with the Black Sea by Chancellor Jan Zamoysky. The town plan combines the functions of an urban ensemble, a residence, and a fortress and was the model of Renaissance ideal city. Fortunately the city survived many battles and was not destroyed during World War II. Now it impresses with beautiful tenements, arcades, the Town Hall (perfectly square 100mx100m, l with the wonderful, fan-shaped stairs) , the Zamoyski Palace, the Cathedral of the resurrection of the Lord (pearl of the Renaissance), Catholic Churches and Synagogue.

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